Thursday, November 20, 2014

Does Anything Stay the Same?

From She Reads Truth today..."As children, we assumed everything was permanent and nothing would ever change. Of course, we were wrong." In the reading for today, this writer (there is a group of female writers so I don't know the name of this particular contributor or I would give her name) presents the idea that God has given us reminders of His faithfulness, of things that we can always count on in His created world. There are some certainties in life, just not the ones we would like to count on in our personal lives. They are on a much grander scale. Changing seasons, rising and setting of the sun, tide coming in and going out, cycles of life in the animal world, water turning to ice at 32 degrees for starters. (Some of these mentioned by the author referred to, some by me.) These occurrences, you see, are not determined by personal choices or decisions. And so they are dependable and constant. We could say the sun will faithfully come up each morning and go down each evening. The leaves will be faithful to change colors in the Fall, drop to the ground leaving bare branches in Winter and bloom again in Spring. Faithfully the waves crash against the rocks and slide across the sand only to wash back out to sea again, over and over without end. I can look forward to the wildflowers never failing in their faithful blanketing of our fields and sides of roadways every March. Will my children be faithful, will I? Will those I love and cherish never disappoint me or I them? Will my health stay strong, the health of my family and friends? Accidents not happen, mistakes, failures, disasters, trauma to those I know, to me? Will our jobs be secure, our finances sure, our homes and travels safe, our relationships strong? The answer to all these questions is a resounding no. No certainty, no assurance, no permanence. Not the kind we would love to have. Not anywhere close to the certainty of the sun rising today and tomorrow and every day afterwards. As the writer of She Reads Truth for today says, as the Word from which she gleaned this truth states many times, the only unchanging, sure and dependable, utterly faithful one is He who created, sustains and speaks to us through this great and wonderful world surrounding us. He even tells us nothing is sure, all will fade away, but we don't really grasp its meaning, do we? He and His words are really the only unchanging, dependable, faithful, sure and certain pegs to hang our hopes on. Only. Really. Life teaches us the truth of what He trys to tell us no matter how hard we fight against it. So, let us look to the skies, to the trees, the waters, fields and hills and look for the great faithfulness, surety, constancy, security, love, wonder and dependability we deeply long for and be encouraged. While looking to the future day when with this Faithful One we will stand forever in only permanence. Then our "childhood assumptions" will really be true. Really. Only. (Thank you She Reads Truth for the reminder of this truth today and for the encouragement of where to look for this kind of faithfulness.)

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